I was the nerdy kid who asked to stay inside with a book during recess (they never let me).  I was the one with heavy-duty eyeliner and fire engine lips, thinly veiling my contempt for all humanity behind Stephen King books during high school pep rallies (I’ve lightened up).

I began college studying Opera because that department offered me the best scholarship.  I soon decided I didn’t want to teach, compose, or direct, and realized I needed at least three stiff drinks to perform, so I gave up college to pursue my true love: beer.  And gay men.  But mostly beer. 

The rumors about the years between then and now are greatly exaggerated somewhat exaggerated partially true not even close to as weird as it got.  But the one thing I came out with on the other side (besides a degree, finally) was a LOT of experience and a clear understanding of what I do well (which is, basically, point out the mistakes of others).

Despite growing up with every intention to the contrary, I still live in Kansas, with my dog and the coolest car I’ve ever owned.  I also have the coolest friends, but I’m used to that.  Awesome people kind of gravitate to me.  No really!  You’re here, aren’t you?

I am consistently trounced in Words with Friends because I would rather play an awesome word than get higher points, and my DrawSomething style is what I call “highly representational.”

I am currently addicted to Diet Coke, LOGOII mechanical pencils, and naptime. 

Here’s some projects I’ve worked on:

HORIZON 2020  This is the long-range comprehensive land use plan for the City of Lawrence, Kansas and Douglas County.   Yes, it’s as dry as it sounds, except in the flood plain (HA!  Heh…heh…sorry, land use humor).

To Distraction , by Mary Jeanette Valdez    This was my first historic romance!  I was more smitten than I like to admit.

But the Cowboys Are Playing I wrote this one, and include it here so you can get an idea of my own style. 

Piglet, a weapon of mass destruction.  If I ever buy a bunch of land, I may end up being a crazy dog lady.

  1. Hey Amy,

    I love your new site. Your business seems to be a perfect match for you. Good luck and keep moving forward.
    Only the best…David Saker

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